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Showing posts from March, 2019

Interrelation between counseling and career planning

Interrelation between counseling and career planning Counselling psychologists are interested in answering a variety of research question about counselling process and outcome. Counselling process refers to how or why counselling happens and progresses. Counselling outcome addresses whether or not counselling is effective, under what conditions it is effective, and what outcomes are considered effective—such as symptom reduction, behaviour change, or quality of life improvement. Topics commonly explored in the study of counselling process and outcome include therapist variables, client variables,the counselling or therapeutic relationship, cultural variables, process and outcome measurement, mechanisms of change, and process and outcome research methods. Classic approaches appeared early in the field of humanistic psychology by Carl Rogers who identified the mission of counselling interview as to permit deeper expression that the client would ordinarily allow himself. Caree

What can you do when teachers undermine your leadership efforts and threaten your school's reform efforts?

What can you do when teachers undermine your leadership efforts and threaten your school's reform efforts? Most schools have a staff member or two (no more, we hope) who stand out for their negative attitudes. Allowed to fester, that attitude could infect other members of the team and eventually an entire school community. Included : Members of our Principal Files team share how they deal with staff members who spread negativity. Negative people are like human black holes that suck the life out of you. So what can you do with these energy vampires in your life? A positive school culture starts at the top with the principal. But even the most upbeat principal knows that pockets of negativity can surface and spread, sometimes slowly and quietly and other times like wildfire. That's why wise principals always keep their radar tuned, watching for signs of discontent. Turning Negatives into Positives “Negative people will always be around,” “When there is a negati

In this Educational Era..We Wanted:

In this Educational Era..We Wanted: Parents as gardeners, not carpenters Today’s parents were not raised with the experience of caring for young children, Gopnik says, and so they come to parenthood after extensive education and work, and approach parenting like another subject to be mastered: “Get a book, take a course, and things will come out well.” Parents, she says, believe that if they can just learn the right techniques and do the right things, the child will turn out the right way: well-educated and prepared for success. Drawing on her own and others’ cognitive research, along with evolutionary theory and philosophy, Gopnik concludes that children were not meant to be “molded” in the way parents are molding them today. Babies and young children should be raised in safe spaces protected by adults, but they are wired to be “explorers” of information and their environment in order to become efficient and innovative in adulthood. They need their freedom protected and m


Womanhood is Wonderful! Being a woman is a Blessing. The dilemma had risen because our society has always been male dominated with the exception of one or two states; we have started acknowledging the ‘existence’ of women and their power. Women empowerment is a burning issue all over the world, and people talk about it often. However, situation like the one I mentioned is different since an environment is being created for women to give them power. But at the same time, it is imperative to talk about women who are already in power and are successful achievers. It’s inspiring and encouraging since it shows us the real picture of a progressive society. We have seen women overcome many obstacles to reach at the highest level, holding many top positions in the society. For example, I am a huge admirer of Mother Teresa, Indra Gandhi,  Sudha Moorthy, Annie Besant to name a few, because of their perseverance, their persona, their hunger for success – which can’t be missed and is