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Education leading to change in world

Education leading to change in world-Educator to be believed and to be enriched

From Me!!!
You ask me to write article for youth, Parent and educator!!!
What topic I should select? I share here the discussion made with my friends and colleagues.
In 15 years of school, here’s what I was not taught
• How to manage my finances/budge.
• What are taxes/how to do them?
• Sex education that was not just a token chapter about male and female genitalia and reproductive systems.
• How to do self-guided research and review.
• Independent thought and how to articulate my own opinion in speech and writing.
• Other basic skills that adults require to navigate life.
Yet, by the time, I was 18, I was expected to choose a college degree that would establish the course of my life and determine where I end up.
It was when I started teaching in a school that I realised the full extent of damage done by my schooling and my education system.
For the parents and educators reading this, ask yourself-
How many of our kids lose themselves at the production line that is school, expected to excel in things they have no interest or aptitude in and punished when they fall short in an arbitrary competency marking scale?
How many of our students hate books because they every time they opened their mouth they were told they are wrong since it is not in the text books?
How many children are made to believe that a 9-5 desk job is the ultimate success they can achieve in life?
How many more children’s spirits will we sacrifice at the altar of education?
What have we done?                              What are we doing?                                 What can we do now?
Answer just this one question (or more), if nothing else.
I try to answer one as an educator/learner (is it?!!!)
Someone has rightly said “Life is not only about finding yourself, Life is also about creating yourself!!”
Teachers are like potters, moulding the pliable clay which comes to them in the form of their students. The raw material in each case is different. Grooming and shaping young impressionable minds is not only a challenge but a pretty daunting task. In today’s day and age we as teachers need to be well- equipped in communicative, interpersonal and technological skills.
Acquiring these skills requires an extra effort, sacrifice which are not possible during the regular school year. However, the vacation is an ideal time to acquire added skills and knowledge and realise our potential. Each one of us has been blessed with a special talent. This is the time to know ourselves. Giving vent to our creativity whether it is in the field of art music, poetry, counselling or learning a new sport, there is a vast range to choose from.
Attending workshops, refresher courses in our specific sphere of work, not only increases our knowledge but also helps master our subjects. Enhancing our skills in the use of visual aids would make our lessons more student friendly and interesting.
In modern times, when all of us live in a stressful environment, doing a crash course in counselling or even going in for a basic course in the art of living would equip us in helping our students cope with day to day problems and negative or adverse conditions. Most children need a listening ear and an understanding heart. Reach out to your students and touch a chord in each one. Giving of oneself is the best way to replenish your own resources.
In conclusion, vacations are an opportunity to rejuvenate ourselves in mind and body, arming ourselves with new skills to do our best for those entrusted to our care.
In the words of Louisa May Alcott,   ‘Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, Believe in them and try to follow where they lead.’


  1. Very well said with the plan of action. One should follow and make a difference.


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