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When you interact with your team first time, what would be your first three words

Mr. Nahid Raza UNV:
When you interact with your team first time, what would be your first three words
Dr. Anis Sir UNV:
M.. more
That's the meaning of TEAM.  We is more important than I.
Dr. Jacqueline Mahadik UNV:
Ideally, you want your team to take away the following three messages:
I'm glad to be here, and I respect the work that you've done.
Please be assured that I'm not here to cause you stress or to make your lives more difficult.
I'm here to put you first and enable you to do your jobs well.
Mr. Alok Mohanty UNV: Sir how do you see the team and the necessary training of the team? I mean Teacher Education?
•A team plays a very vital role in the life of the members.
•The team members as it motivates the members for working creatively and actively participating in the team tasks.
•Moreover, a team stimulates the members to work for/with one another in an achieving an objective.
A team members cannot be a group members.
As a team is headed by a single head, the head should lead by example.
A team should have emotional bond. Team is not a group to lead, it is a life to live on.
Mrs. Vijayalakshmi Menon:
Any successful work can be accomplished only by team work. The leader of the team is bound to keep the team together,by incorporating the ideas of each member. The leader should motivate the members to come up with new ideas and be innovative rather than imposing his / her ideas
And team members need corrections than training.
Mr. Nahid Raza UNV:
Over the last 100 years, people are working together 50% more.
Team makes us accomplish all assignments.
It creates we feeling.
It motivates to do more.
It makes the process untiring.
It creates forgetting time.
It magnetises people.
It connects people.
It strengthens heart.
It minimizes sorry.
It energizes all.
It teaches huge.
It creates world.
It is peace.
It makes relation lively.
It rolls out invitation paths.
It is success.
It wipes tears.
It is billion dollar commodity.
Dr A Mujeeb Khan UNV: Noble words sir to stimulate towards accomplish of our goals as a team.
Dr A Dr. Mujeeb Khan UNV:
It's my pleasure sir
Will prepare chart and get it display to motivate students
Dr. Jacqueline Mahadik UNV:
Team building helps break down these barriers by creating a forced interaction between the established groups & creates opportunities for networks & friendships to develop. Team Building encourages the improvement of Interpersonal Skills such as: communication, negotiation, leadership, & motivation.
Dr. Jacqueline Mahadik UNV:
Proponents of teacher collaboration believe that teachers working together have a positive impact on each other and contribute naturally to school improvement. Specific types of teacher collaboration include working together in teams, sharing responsibilities, providing feedback and building trust.
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV:
Despite its reputation for being, well, lame, team building is the most important investment you can make for your people. It builds trust, mitigates conflict, encourages communication, and increases collaboration
Dr. Jacqueline Mahadik UNV:
you can organise team building activities that have a purpose and objectives behind the planning then your organisation can reap a range of benefits.
Improve productivity. ...
Increase motivation. ...
Increased collaboration. ...
Encourage creativity. ...
Positive reinforcement. ...
Improved communication.
Mr. Chandan Kumar:
Smart work
Ms. Leena Rai Kalra UNV:
Together we can is my motto and motivation is the only spice which can be added.
Team leader should not only preach but be a part of working army to produce results.
He/she should be grounded to create ripples.
A team leader has to act like the Captain of a ship. He needs to guide, support and motivate his team members from time to time.
And when something goes wrong, he has to take the onus on him.
In the same way, the team members have to cooperate with him for the successful completion of the project in hand.
All the team members have to keep the interest of the team supreme despite any/many interpersonal conflicts among themselves.
However the task of team leader becomes heterogeneous since teaching community differs from business and again from IT or global MNCs. In principle it will work but the scale of authority is latent.
These kind of team work is seen in villages where there are joint families.
The work and responsibilities are divided and work takes place which is a very big example for team work.
Dr Anis Ahmad UNV:
There is a famous quote and I like it so would like to share here:
"The Ship is more than the crew, you don't have to like the captain in order to obey him."
Mrs. Jemi Sudhakar UNV:
The successful leaders possess certain core personality traits that significantly contribute to their success. Understanding the importance of these core personality traits that predict leader effectiveness can help organizations with their leader selection, training, and development practices.
The best qualities of good leaders are:
The best qualities of good leaders are:
Strategic planning
Honesty and Integrity. ...
Inspire Others. ...
Commitment and Passion. ...
Good Communicator. ...
Decision-Making Capabilities. ...
Accountability. ...
Delegation and Empowerment. ...
Creativity and Innovation.
Great leaders find the balance between  foresight, performance, and character. They have vision, courage, integrity, humility and focus along with the ability to plan strategically and catalyze cooperation amongst their team.
Dr. Rukshana UNV:
What better example for teamwork than a swarm of bees working
collectively and with proper communication. The bees suck the nectar out of various plants and vomit it in the bee-hive to make honey. Yes, honey is bee vomit. The worker bees do all this so that the queen bee can  peacefully can lay eggs and do other things which help in a new generation of bees. Today, in this modern age, what most people lack is teamwork and collective thinking Thoughts, ideas, solutions etc are all born out of group of people with collective thinking. If we form a team of people with different ideas and thinking then it usually leads to create more problems.
But if that teams comes up with a solution, then their idea and solution will be the most innovative idea of all. It all depends on how the team cooperates and work together. Another important factor in such a team is the leader.
Leader of the team in such situation can take his team to the sky or make them taste dirt. A leader must know how to lead his team in an orderly fashion so that the work they do is effective and better.
Teamwork, cooperation, collective thinking, leadership etc are all thought in our education system, but only by teaching these qualities is enough.
We need the student to have more real life-like situations and activities. The education system should have more effect on the students social skills. A generation of people who can work in a team can easily achieve greater heights which will help our nation to grow big and become stronger.
Mrs. Geeta Shukla UNV:
There is no age to
And Return
On the way to this journey don't forget to keep your spirit alive
Do a lot of adventure
Test your limits and accept challenges
Adventure activities bind teams more then anything.
Mrs. Archna UNV:
A team is about Together we perform towards accomplishment of one vision, One goal. It’s in diversity of a team that they bring forth different solutions on table. collaboration, togetherness, trust and shared responsibilities along with being accountable to achieve results.
We hire individuals and build the team with shared vision and cooperation.
Mrs. Durga K Nair UNV:
TOGETHERNESS MAKES MIRACLES - this is my ever first - three words to my team always.
Mrs. Nidhi Kulshe:
And importantly
Filling up for one another when in need
Mr Noble Mathew UNV:
A team is successful only when it holds a common goal. In my view the first priority of leader must be to keep that goal always focused on. Modern concept of leader is never a synonym of boss but inspirer, motivator etc not by a push but by a pull means to be in front.


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