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How to Help Your Child Find Motivation

How to Help Your Child Find Motivation
• Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: Begin to establish an effective environment on the first day of class:
Interact with students right away: Learn names; anonymity discourages student engagement. ...
Be prepared to respond to challenges: See “Classroom Management” for details.
Engage, Engage, Engage: Don't let down once the course gets underway.
• Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV:
√Get involved. ...
√Use reinforcement. ...
√Reward effort rather than outcome. ...
√Help them see the big picture. ...
√Let them make mistakes. ...
√Get outside help. ...
√Make the teacher your ally. ...
√Get support for yourself.
• Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV:
1. Set Goals. Have them set goals. ...
2. Make a Plan. In order to reach goals, you need a plan. ...
3. Celebrate Accomplishments. ...
4. Make Things Competitive. ...
5. Encourage Them. ...
6. Take Interest. ...
7. Discover Passion. ...
8. Remain Positive.
• AZEEZ UNV : 1. Listening to the child
2. Appreciate
3. Use encouraging words.
• AZEEZ: 4. Make them feel succeeded
5. Give incentives
• AZEEZ: 6. Focus on effort, not outcomes.
 If your child does well on a test, don’t just share your excitement over the grade.
• Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: As a teacher
√ Become a role model for student interest. ...
√ Get to know your students. ...
√ Use examples freely. ...
√ Use a variety of student-active teaching activities. ...
√ Set realistic performance goals and help students achieve them by encouraging them to set their own reasonable goals.
• AZEEZ: 7. Foster a growth mindset.
 If your child tries but doesn’t succeed, avoid saying what’s done is done and leaving it at that. 
Focusing on “the next time” can help your child develop a “growth mindset.”
It can instill the belief that you get better with practice. 
• Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: Get Them Involved. One way to encourage students and teach them responsibility is to get them involved in the classroom. Make participating fun by giving each student a job to do. Give students the responsibility of tidying up or decorating the classroom.
• AZEEZ: 8. Get your child out of her comfort zone. When kids experience negative outcomes, they can lose the motivation to try new things.
That can happen with activities outside of school, too.
But taking risks and trying new things can help kids to uncover new strengths and passions.
• Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: some strategies that can be used in the classroom to help motivate students:
√ Promote growth mindset over fixed mindset. ...
√ Develop meaningful and respectful relationships with your students. ...
√ Grow a community of learners in your classroom. ...
√ Establish high expectations and establish clear goals. ...
√ Be inspirational.
• AZEEZ: 9. Recognize success. 
No matter how your child does, find something you can say that’s positive and also true.
• Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: Engaging Students in Learning Activities
1. Make It Meaningful. In aiming for full engagement, it is essential that students perceive activities as being meaningful. ...
2. Foster a Sense of Competence. ...
3. Provide Autonomy Support. ...
4. Embrace Collaborative Learning. ...
5. Establish Positive Teacher-Student Relationships. ...
6. Promote Mastery Orientations.
• Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV:
√ Motivate Students in the Classroom
√ Foster a Positive Learning Environment. √ Your personality sets the overall tone in the classroom. ...
√ Build Rapport With Students. Students who have positive relationships with teachers are more engaged in learning. ...
√ Prepare Engaging Lessons. ...
√ Give Students Options. ...
√ Start a Rewards Program.
• Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV:
√ keep the students engaged in your classroom that helps you have a quality teaching time:
√ Warm up sessions:
√ Light movements.
√ Quick writes.
√ Encourage to and fro questions.
√ Teachers should develop a habit of asking questions in between their lessons. ...
√ Mix teaching styles.
√ Gamification.
Mrs. Jemi Sudhakar UNV: That is an important problem for achieving desired outcomes. There may be some solution suggestions (in my opinion) by taking my experiences into account:
√ Differences among students are too important. In order to overcome this, you may employ a self-learning approach in order to enable students having disadvantages to optimize them to other students while they are away from school. A good way to make this alive is receiving a software support.
2. If you employ more technological elements, it will be better to take students' attention. Be focused on what can take attention of students having problems in the classroom.
3. You may refer to Gardner's Theory on Multiple Intelligence. I have done may research on that and I believe that it is a good theory to employ in a classroom environment. But this will need technological support of course.
4. Psychology of Maturing and Learning is an important subject that may usable for you. Different students are in different stages of maturing and learning. So, they may need something special to apply. So, you can design a special teaching - learning programme in this way.
• Dr Ruksana UN: Just accept the childs approach without any conditions.
√ Listen to them as u r a learner
√ Ask them questions as if you don't know about what they are trying to explain or share (even if you are aware about what they are discussing). This builds the confidence and automatically the motivation starts moving them with the confidence look on your face Silent expression plays a vital role to motivate the student Irrespect of any age.
Mrs. M. Farhana Khan UNV: The most effective way to help children reach their goals and become internally motivated is to teach them about purpose. Humans are naturally curious and therefore making the connection between the intrinsic value of learning and purpose is not difficult, especially when grades and performance are not overemphasized and learning is seen as the ultimate goal.
• Mrs. Durga Nair UNV:
1. Competition in the classroom isn’t always a bad thing, and in some cases can motivate students to try harder and work to excel. Work to foster a friendly spirit of competition in the classroom, perhaps through group games related to the material or other opportunities for students to show off their knowledge.
2. Everyone likes getting rewards, and offering  students the chance to earn them is an excellent source of motivation.
3. Assigning students classroom jobs is a great way to build a community and to give students a sense of motivation.
4. The social interaction can get them excited about things in the classroom and students can motivate one another to reach a goal.
5. Getting to know the students is about more than just memorizing their names. Students need to know that their teacher has a genuine interest in them and cares about them and their success.
• Leader. Ms. Leena Rai Kalra UNV:
* Child needs the motivation every moment  so it should come from the heart. Praise them often
* Reward them there is least need of awards in comparison to rewards
* Set yourself as an example
* Keep knocking them positively
* Share the responsibilities
* Inculcate the habit of reading
* Let them learn from failure stories too to keep on working towards their goal
* Keep on counseling them
* Inspire them
* Include various teaching styles and include innovation
* Provide practical knowledge
* Expose them to varied environment
• Mr. Cosmos E Kwaw UNV:
Some children are self-motivated while others  are less motivated and need a little push. In reality, the best approach is to go easy on the rewards and punishments and cultivate his internal motivation by helping the child  to tune into the feelings of accomplishment and the pride he feels for a job well done.
This can be done by using the following techniques:
1. Set Goals.
Have them set goals. Make a list of short-term goals and one for the long-term goals. Make sure the goals are reachable but require effort to obtain.
2. Make a Plan.
In order to reach goals, you need a plan. Help your children create a strategy for reaching their goals. Make a step-by-step plan to reach them.
3. Celebrate Accomplishments.
When your children accomplish their goals, let them know that you are proud of them. Celebrate these successes together. Reward your children for their hard work but as mentioned earlier, a sense of accomplishment is the best reward.
4. Make Things Competitive.
Encourage healthy competition. Cheer on your child to beat another runner in a race or to take home the trophy. Make competition about positivity and strength in regards to your child and never about negativity and weakness towards the competitor.
5. Encourage Them.
Let your children know you believe in them. Tell them how great they are going to do. Dismiss any self-doubt or fears they may have.
6. Take Interest.
Learn about your child’s interests. Talk to your child about them and listen. It will show your children that you care and that they are free to talk to you about their interests.
7. Discover Passion.
Encourage your children to discover what they are  passionate about. It may take a few tries along the way. Support your child on the journey toward passion and urge him or her to keep going until he or she finds out what it is.
8. Remain Positive.
Maintain a positive and optimistic outlook for your children. If they see fear or doubt in your eyes, they  likely will lose self-confidence. Having a positive approach will brighten their outlooks on a situation.
9. Peer Pressure.
Occasionally, a little peer pressure is not a bad thing. It can push your children to do better in school or in a sport because they want to keep up with their friends. However, watch for when the stress of peer pressure starts to become too much.
10. Excite Them.
Excite your children about their goals and ambitions. Show that you are excited for them, too. The positive energy and adrenaline will push them to continue their hard work and be happy with their efforts.


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