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What are the types of people that you should always avoid?

What are the types of people that you should always avoid?
Amit UNV: According to my view
People who speak very sugar quotted ... Should be avoided
When you are surrounded by a group of co workers or sub workers , as the people who speak very flattering are the ones who turn off the earliest and there are chances that they will back bite you.
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: Manipulators.
Dementors – Are The Most Toxic People You Must Avoid.
AZEEZ:How to identify them
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: you are willing to get a valuable advice, avoid those who are giving it way too often. Period.
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: Ultracrepidarianism is the habit of sharing an opinion or giving an advice on matters outside of one’s knowledge.
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: You appear to be so concerned with people’s opinion that very often it becomes the main reason of your fears and blocker for new beginnings.
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: Ultracrepidarians — small people who are in charge of belittled ambitions and broken dreams.
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: Beware of “gurus”, “professionals”, “experienced specialists”, and “I-know-it-all guys” who think they are experts and are always eager to share their “firm” opinion on almost everything, even if it is far beyond their expertise.
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: Never take an advice from someone you would not want to switch places with. Do not let people misguide you with their words. Keep away from small people who always try to belittle your ambitions.
Mr. Nahid Raza UNV: We cannot avoid anyone specifically. Avoiding could be more catastrophic. We generally snap our relation with people and have to go to them in hour of need. That time it seems more problematic. What we can do is to avoid politics and theology discussion and the topic on which people have strong divided opinion. It is better not to poke our nose in topics discussed.   Spreading love and serving other others as well as keeping patience will lead to cordial relation. Seek help too when required. Treat people the way we wish to.
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: Never take an advice from someone you would not want to switch places with. Do not let people misguide you with their words . Keep away from small people who always try to belittle your ambitions.
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: Manipulators always want something from you, because for them it’s all about taking with little or no giving which is a sure sign of toxic people troubling us all the time.
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: is okay to have people who guide you by giving you fruitful criticism. But some just love to criticize. No matter how good you are at your task or how many efforts you put in a particular activity, these types of people will somehow find a way to tell you that it’s not good.
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: Criticizers will consistently judge you.
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: Gossip is what holds our society together these days. It is okay to gossip once in a while after all we are all humans. But, if you’re with someone who constantly gossips, you really need to think over it. Not only are you wasting time with the nonsense, but also spoiling your own mind.
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: Self-Absorbed people believe in “ME” and not “WE.” Whatever they do, think, or say is always surrounding them. It is necessary for everyone to care for your own self but self-absorbed people go way beyond that.
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: envious people will do anything to make sure there is no one better than them. Spending too much time with envious people is dangerous because they teach you to underestimate your own endeavors.
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: We all have needs. Sometimes, we ourselves aren’t able to fulfill those needs and thus end up asking for someone’s help. But some people make this a habit. They are constantly asking for something or the other. It starts with something small and may end up with something big like money, materials, etc. Stay away from habitually needy people.
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: These are the kind of people, who have no control over their emotions whatsoever and one of the signs of toxic people around. At any given time, they will lash out at you and project their feelings, assuming that you are the one causing their discontent. They may easily end up playing the victim.
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: Whenever a dementor enters a room, darkness sets in; people get cold and immediately start recalling their worst memories.
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: We all are liars. As humans, we make mistakes and lie occasionally. But there are many habitual liars who leave no room for trust in a relationship. It is extremely annoying to be with someone who is constantly lying on your face. You may even develop mistrust for others because of such people. So, it’s better to stay away from such type of toxic people
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: Being around someone who habitually avoids work and does not really feel like doing anything might be extremely discouraging and demotivating, no matter what you want to do. They may make you do their work and end up taking the credit for the same themselves.
Sweta Srivastava UNV: People who bring negativity in any criticism, back biting,finding faults, pointing mistakes of other surely avoided
Sweta Srivastava UNV: These people are always there to discourage, demotivate and make you a looser
Mrs. Jemi Sudhakar UNV: We should avoid Individuals Who Do Not Believe In us
AZEEZ: Why should they believe you as why should we believe them?
Any reasons. Because they not of us. They are just someone else here.
Mrs. Jemi Sudhakar UNV: People Who Do Not Support us also should be avoided
Mrs. Jemi Sudhakar UNV: They create a kind of distortion creating negative impact. If we want to start a new startup.
They would say “You can’t! It’s impossible. You don’t have enough funds. See, the economy is down you will never succeed.” so, they should be avoided.
Mrs. Jemi Sudhakar UNV: These words triggers negativity in your life.
So, avoid people who don’t believe in you.
The only person you need to believe in is yourself. You don’t need approval from anyone.
You were created as a masterpiece. You alone can conquer the world.
Believe in yourself, that’s the key to be successful.
Mrs. Jemi Sudhakar UNV: Avoid People Who Lie To You
If a person lies to you for the first time; forgive them. If a person lies to you for the second time, then avoid them.
A person can make a mistake once but not twice.
Never lie to someone who trusts you. Never trust someone who lies to you
Mrs. Jemi Sudhakar UNV: Avoid People who use you.
Some people will only remember you when they are in trouble.
I have so many friends in my contact list; they will always contact me when they need my help. And when everything is sorted out they will forget me.
Alert: If you have these kinds of people in your life then learn to avoid them. Don’t destroy yourself in the process to help them.
You need you more than you need them.
Learn to know which person is using you and leave them. It’s not stupidity, but it’s maturity.
Mrs. Jemi Sudhakar UNV: Avoid People Who Want To Be You
Stay away from the ones who want to be YOU. Never tell everything that you know.
A person who wants to be you will be the person that will turn up destroying you.
Archana UNV: None.
When we start categorising people in “to avoid” to “not avoid” we are actually bringing our own stereotypes and prejudices at play.
When we reverberate in positive vibrations, anyone not falling in our league will either fall back or get in alignment.
Learn from a child - how a child smiles at everyone with purity and compassion in heart - that is how we are born and that is what we should carry forward.
AZEEZ: Everyone's friend is nones. Then how do we have someone in life.
Amit UNV: True.. this was in connection with general approach but when it comes to believe and trust it's a very difficult task as I believe that you need to trust someone to know that whether they are trustworthy or not !
Then the consequence would make you smarter.
Mrs. Jemi Sudhakar UNV: In simple terms, you trust someone meaning that you rely on them and want to believe in their abilities, attitude, etc. While, you believe someone/something meaning whether that particular thing is true.
Archana UNV: We can’t be everyone’s friend but what we can practice is to understand people’s perspectives.
Once we have the acceptance that people can be different, can have varied opinions and can actually have different vibes - we will not have to categorise them.
It’s all about practicing like practicing an art form.
AZEEZ: Trust
AZEEZ: Both are different
Mrs. Jemi Sudhakar UNV: Trust means to have confidence in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone and believe means to accept something as true, genuine, or real. This is the main difference between trust and believe. In addition, trust can be used as a noun and a verb whereas believe is a an action
Mrs. Jemi Sudhakar UNV: It is possible to believe someone but not trust them until they earn your trust fully, therefore trust is more of an act of reliance based on accepting something to be true.
Believe is used to show one's acceptance of another's words. Trust is used to demonstrate the reliance on the other's overall character.
Both of the statements, I don't believe him and I don't trust him are correct, depending on the degree of faith you are giving to him.
Mrs. Jemi Sudhakar UNV: Understanding the difference can show us how simple it is to build faith in our ... Confidence – Trust that is based on knowledge or past experience.
Mrs Naveed Anjum UNV: I am a good enough person to forgive you. But,,,,,,,not stupid enough to trust you again.
AZEEZ: Why should here to forgive? Just ignore.
Forgiving is a way of getting back.
Mrs Vijayalakshmi Menon UNV: When we interact with people , we will come to know of their nature and intentions and if we experience negative vibes it is better we maintain a distance from such persons
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: I couldn’t change the things I had to forgive, but I could change if I forgave. To hold a grudge is self-destruction, but forgiveness is a strength. It’s a process of humbling myself and leaning on the truth. And in all things the truth is far better than a lie.”
Pawan Gupta UNV: See, I have different take on this issue. Why avoid someone.
First retrospect your own self, that how you would have reacted in that situation. But still if you find fault in  others actions. Try to convince them to modify it or motivate them to be positive.
AZEEZ: Yes. Intentions. Now on the track
AZEEZ: Making someone good. The person will never forget you in his life time
Mrs. Suman‪ Purohit Das UNV: Avoid people who have dual face and showcase characters like a *chameleon*. On your face they will pretend as if they are your most reliable & trustworthy friend and you won't be able to suspect them for even second for any misdeed. *BUT* at your back they show their true colours. They can hurt you, cause damage to a greater extend at times, ever ready to put you in trouble and are generally not satisfied seeing others happy.
If you have caught them red handed, they will cook such a story that you will feel like to forgive them and start a new chapter with them.
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: Learn to see the person who harmed you as human. This can be an incredibly difficult step to take; and it may not be appropriate for you to even try at this time. The more you can see the person who hurt you as having human foibles, the less angry you will feel toward them. Instead, you will likely feel empathy and compassion for them. However, this does not mean to accept or condone their behavior, or that you necessarily let them back into your life at all. It just means that you can, to some degree, let go of the anger you carry – the anger that is hurting you. That said, this step is not advisable while you are actively feeling threatened or before you have been able to really connect with, and process, your emotions about feeling harmed.
Pawan Gupta UNV: See unless and until we are correct, how we can judge others. Motivation towards attainment of positivity should be our motive.Yes,avoiding someone is always easier option but is it totally correct?
AZEEZ: Yes. They are our mirror
AZEEZ: Someone's nature is to correct ourselves.
Dr Jacqueline Mahadik UNV: It's important to create a little bit of distance between the two of you. Since you've confirmed that this person is indeed insincere, engaging in office chatter by the vending machines won't do you any favors.
Mr. Pawan Gupta UNV: Make your personality such that either people get motivated by you or they should themselves get away from you.
Mrs. Jemi Sudhakar UNV: People inspire you, or they drain you—pick them wisely.” – Hans F. Hansen
AZEEZ: After choosing them only we come to know
AZEEZ: Then what to do?
Mrs. Buvana UNV: Either accept them as they are.....or try to change
Mr. Pawan Gupta UNV: See,
It is always a time consuming process. But yes what I believe if one adopt proper Emotional Intelligence ,he can motivate any hard nut.
Mrs Naveed Anjum UNV: Really, ,,good idea indeed.
Mr. Pawan Gupta UNV: Now question comes whether we have enough time for this.
Mrs. Jemi Sudhakar UNV: Once you’ve identified a toxic person, you’ll begin to find their behavior more predictable and easier to understand. This will equip you to think rationally about when and where you have to put up with them and when and where you don’t. You can establish boundaries, but you’ll have to do so consciously and proactively. If you let things happen naturally, you’re bound to find yourself constantly embroiled in difficult conversations. If you set boundaries and decide when and where you’ll engage a difficult person, you can control much of the chaos. The only trick is to stick to your guns and keep boundaries in place when the person tries to cross them, which they will.
Mrs. Archana UNV: Good or bad is always our reflection we see.
What has been not serving us internally is what we keep finding in others.
So IF I say someone is actually not
Trustworthy first I have to look within and see whether I am trustworthy for people?
That is how we grow, that is how we develop.
Mr. Pawan Gupta UNV: The first step should be of attaining self realization. Once we achieve it, most of our questions will be answered automatically. As we will be able to understand others point of view too.
Mrs Naveed Anjum UNV: What we see in others is a reflection of overselves
Mrs Asha Mittal UNV: Very true!
Self realisation is the only answer to most of our problems in today's highly materialistic life!
AZEEZ: Type 1
People who lack empathy/Jerks/Sadists/Self centered/using for personal benefits/making us scapegoats......
Their symptoms are:
• Inconsiderate of other people feelings, generally poor and weak people.
• Doesn't care how others get affected by his actions, if it benefits him.
• Will give you minimum affection at regular intervals only enough so that you don’t distant yourself from him.
• Their General dialogue goes like “I am your friend, well-wisher.”
• Will help you sometimes when the help doesn't cause any inconvenience to him. The moment they have to sacrifice something for you they will show their true colors.
AZEEZ: Type 2
Insecure and Manipulative people
How to identify such people (Symptoms):
• Always Insecure about her knowledge, skills, beauty or status.
• Tries to show off achievements, explicitly or implicitly in conversation.
• Very touchy, gets butt hurt even at small criticisms. On other hand she will be the first one to criticize you even at small things.
• Tries to put you down by showing how they are better than you at every opportunity.
• Will be great gossip mongers generally.Very hard to please, Always unimpressed, Plus very demanding.
• They are generally ungrateful and not very dependable.
• They will generally try to associate themselves with people they think are cool and if you don’t fit they that definition be ready to get ignore at times.
AZEEZ: Type 3
People without Courage and Self awareness
How to identify such people (Symptoms):
• Always nice to everyone, never puts his honest opinion in front of anyone, always acts diplomatically. But that doesn’t mean he has no prejudices, selfishness or hypocrisy.  Given a opportunity he will also cheat or back stab if he knows he will not get caught.
• When put in tough situations such people will not do what is the most ethically right thing to do, but will do what is the easiest to do without getting into trouble. You cannot expect high integrity, because living with high integrity almost always requires courage.
• Conformist, timid. You Can’t expect these people to stand up for you, because they can’t even stand up for themselves. Will run away in difficult situations.
• People make fun of him, cannot come up with a witty reply.
• Has low self awareness.
• Doesn’t understand his own motivations and feelings. Survives each day just to exist .
AZEEZ: Type 4
Avoid the people suffering from I AM THE LEGEND disorders.
How to identify such people (Symptoms):
• Always tries to prove the world that he is a legend. He generally thinks he is the smartest, most efficient, most skillful person in the room. His ways of doing things are always the best.
• Looks everyone as a competitor. Hates to lose, tries to win every competition and argument he is in.
• Wants to be the center of the conversation sometimes by intimidating others.
• Thinks he has the power and authority on everyone.
• Speaks like he has Lunch with the President of the country. He thinks he doesn't belong here, He is just stuck between inefficient people, he actually deserves to be the king of the world.
AZEEZ: Type 5
Avoid People suffering from “Wise man disorders".
How to identify such people (Symptoms):
• Will generally like to give unsolicited advices on topics they have no expertise on. Their favorite topics are politics and philosophy on which people cannot fight with them because their advices are mostly opinions that anybody can have.
• Generally These people only talk about great things which they can’t do.
• Hypocrites of the highest orders and Self proclaimed experts at almost everything.
• Will get into argument at anything you say that contradicts their opinion and argument will generally end up with you being called names.
• Very adamant, hardly change their opinions even if proven wrong.
• Will never support your decisions.
• Will always say you can’t do it. If you are trying to do something different, they will always undermine you.
Anis Sir: Such people suffer from snobbism
Mrs. Madhumita Jana UNV: After reading and analysing about the the type of people  we should avoid, I find all the people with whom we interact if not 100%but do come in one of the types to some extent , what are we to do then.... This is my personal view.  May be I am wrong.
AZEEZ UNV: Conclusion:
Theory of everything says: if we are good we meet always meet good people on our way. Or they may can turn into good one.
In case if we are not good we can never meet a single good entity on the walk of our life.
Choose what do you want for you by giving it first.


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