Annapoorni Balan, Principal, IUEf SECRETARY GENERAL for Pooma Educational Trust.
Success Brings Happiness or Happiness Brings Success.
We all chase success hoping it will make us happy.
Success isn't just what you accomplish in your life; it's about what you inspire others to do.The word “success” evokes a lot of emotion and ideas. Too often, when the word success is talked about in education regarding students, the people that are most impacted by the discussion are left out of the conversation.
I believe that whether someone is truly successful or not is up to them, not anyone else. If someone deems success as being “rich and famous,” or someone views success as merely being happy, that is their choice.
If we can get somebody to raise their levels of optimism or deepen their social connection or raise happiness, turns out every single business and educational outcome we know how to test for improves dramatically.
You can increase your success rates for the rest of your life and your happiness levels will flat line, but if you raise your level of happiness and deepen optimism it turns out every single one of your success rates rises dramatically compared to what it would have been at negative, neutral, or stressed.
I would just like to elaborate on the word,'' Success'',it has its own myths.Everyone here understands that there is no worse fate than failure.” But as it is often stated that ''Failure is the stepping stone to success''.
It is often observed that success can be powerful,as it pushes back on the pressures adults put on students in seeing that being good in academics is what would make someone successful in school.
As I have stated before, some of your smartest students in your school are terrible at academics. It is essential to help students learn about the world, and themselves, through the process of education.
“Schools reward being a generalist” and the real world rewards passion and expertise.
''Generalist''- it means one who is knowledgeable in many fields of study or it can also be summed up as a person whose knowledge ,aptitudes, and skills are applied to a field as a whole or to a variety of different fields.
But once you’re in the working world, you’ll need to excel in a particular domain, and other knowledge or skills won’t matter so much.
But once you’re in the working world, you’ll need to excel in a particular domain, and other knowledge or skills won’t matter so much.
It is also noted that some intellectual students who genuinely enjoy learning tend to struggle in high school — they find the education system “stifling” because it doesn’t allow them to pursue their passions deeply.
What does “reward” mean? There are many “generalists” who are rewarded in different ways in their own life but not necessarily in the idea of becoming rich and famous. “Rich and famous” doesn’t mean happy either. Perhaps the goal for many is to contribute to the lives of others in meaningful ways, and the way that they lift others up does not necessarily get widespread attention but makes a significant impact.
On the other hand, this kind of exposure,helps us to understand that though its tough, but it helps to challenge the ideas that only our top academic students can go on to become successful.
On the other hand, this kind of exposure,helps us to understand that though its tough, but it helps to challenge the ideas that only our top academic students can go on to become successful.
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