Peace emanates from the soul, and is the sacred inner environment in which true happiness unfolds. Through meditation one can experience a stable, silent inner peace that can be a permanently soothing background for all harmonious or trial some activities demanded by life’s responsibilities.Lasting happiness lies in maintaining this evenly peaceful state of mind.
Everything you do should be done with peace. That is the best medicine for your body, mind, and soul. It is the most wonderful way to live.
There is a cure for stress...
Calmness is the ideal state in which we should receive all life’s experiences. Nervousness is the opposite of calmness, and its prevalence today makes it very nearly a world disease.
The best cure for nervousness is the cultivation of calmness. One who is naturally calm does not lose his sense of reason, justice, or humor under any circumstances....
Poise is a beautiful quality. We should pattern our life by a triangular guide: calmness and sweetness are the two sides; the base is happiness....Whether one acts quickly or slowly, in solitude or in the busy marts of men, his center should be peaceful, poised. Christ is an example of that ideal. Everywhere, he demonstrated peace. He passed through every conceivable test without losing his poise.
Calmness is the ideal state in which we should receive all life’s experiences. Nervousness is the opposite of calmness, and its prevalence today makes it very nearly a world disease.
The best cure for nervousness is the cultivation of calmness. One who is naturally calm does not lose his sense of reason, justice, or humor under any circumstances....
Poise is a beautiful quality. We should pattern our life by a triangular guide: calmness and sweetness are the two sides; the base is happiness....Whether one acts quickly or slowly, in solitude or in the busy marts of men, his center should be peaceful, poised. Christ is an example of that ideal. Everywhere, he demonstrated peace. He passed through every conceivable test without losing his poise.
Live in the divine consciousness of your soul...
We are souls—eternal, immutable—made in God’s image of immortal bliss. Our lives should continuously reflect that ever-new joy. I never let anyone take away my inner happiness; and you too should learn that art of intrepid soul living that can smile away whatever troubles may come. The true state of the Self, the soul, is bliss, wisdom, love, peace. It is to be so happy that no matter what you are doing you enjoy it. Isn’t that much better than to blunder through the world like a restless demon, unable to find satisfaction in anything?
Calmness is the breath of immortality...
Those who deeply meditate feel a wonderful inner quiet.
Calmness is one of the attributes of the immortality within you....When you worry, there is static coming through your mind radio. God’s song is the song of calmness. Nervousness is the static; calmness is the voice of God speaking to you through the radio of your soul.
Nervousness is the handmaiden of change and death; when you are calm, even death cannot frighten you, for you know you are a god. Calmness is the living breath of God’s immortality in you.
The more you feel peace in meditation, the closer you are to God. He moves nearer and nearer to you the deeper you enter into meditation. The peace of meditation is the language and embracing comfort of God. Learn to live in that eternal happiness and peace which is God.
Those who deeply meditate feel a wonderful inner quiet.
Calmness is one of the attributes of the immortality within you....When you worry, there is static coming through your mind radio. God’s song is the song of calmness. Nervousness is the static; calmness is the voice of God speaking to you through the radio of your soul.
Nervousness is the handmaiden of change and death; when you are calm, even death cannot frighten you, for you know you are a god. Calmness is the living breath of God’s immortality in you.
The more you feel peace in meditation, the closer you are to God. He moves nearer and nearer to you the deeper you enter into meditation. The peace of meditation is the language and embracing comfort of God. Learn to live in that eternal happiness and peace which is God.
Take an honest look at your life...
Looking at the vast panorama of this world, at the crowds of humanity rushing hot-haste through their span of life, one cannot but wonder what it is all about. Where are we going? What is the motive? What is the best and surest way to reach our destination?
Most of us rush aimlessly, like runaway automobiles, without any plan. Dashing heedlessly along the road of life, we fail to realize the purpose of our travel; we seldom notice if we are on winding devious ways that lead nowhere, or on straight paths that lead directly to our goal. How can we find our goal, if we never think of it?
Have you permitted your life to become warped by forces seemingly stronger than your own? Is your life under your control? Do not sink into the rut of mediocrity. Rise above the crowd. Step out of the choking monotony of ordinary existence into a finer, more colourful life of achievement and ever new peace.
Ask yourself what is the purpose of your life. You have been made in the image of God; that is your real Self. Realising the image of God within you is the ultimate success—infinite joy, fulfilment of every desire, victory over all difficulties of the body and incursions of the world.
Looking at the vast panorama of this world, at the crowds of humanity rushing hot-haste through their span of life, one cannot but wonder what it is all about. Where are we going? What is the motive? What is the best and surest way to reach our destination?
Most of us rush aimlessly, like runaway automobiles, without any plan. Dashing heedlessly along the road of life, we fail to realize the purpose of our travel; we seldom notice if we are on winding devious ways that lead nowhere, or on straight paths that lead directly to our goal. How can we find our goal, if we never think of it?
Have you permitted your life to become warped by forces seemingly stronger than your own? Is your life under your control? Do not sink into the rut of mediocrity. Rise above the crowd. Step out of the choking monotony of ordinary existence into a finer, more colourful life of achievement and ever new peace.
Ask yourself what is the purpose of your life. You have been made in the image of God; that is your real Self. Realising the image of God within you is the ultimate success—infinite joy, fulfilment of every desire, victory over all difficulties of the body and incursions of the world.
Winning the battle of everyday life...
A lump of sand cannot withstand withstand the erosive effect of the ocean’s waves; an individual who lacks imperturbable inner peace cannot remain tranquil during mental conflict. But as a diamond remains unchanged no matter how many waves swirl around it, so also a peace-crystallized individual remains radiantly serene even when trials beset him from all sides. Out of the change ful waters of life, let us salvage through meditation the diamond of unchangeable soul-consciousness, which sparkles with the everlasting joy of Spirit.
As certain training is needed for engaging in the art of war, so does our engagement in battling with active life. Untrained warriors are soon killed on the battlefield; so also persons untrained in the art of preserving their inner peace are quickly riddled by the bullets of worry and restlessness in active life.
A lump of sand cannot withstand withstand the erosive effect of the ocean’s waves; an individual who lacks imperturbable inner peace cannot remain tranquil during mental conflict. But as a diamond remains unchanged no matter how many waves swirl around it, so also a peace-crystallized individual remains radiantly serene even when trials beset him from all sides. Out of the change ful waters of life, let us salvage through meditation the diamond of unchangeable soul-consciousness, which sparkles with the everlasting joy of Spirit.
As certain training is needed for engaging in the art of war, so does our engagement in battling with active life. Untrained warriors are soon killed on the battlefield; so also persons untrained in the art of preserving their inner peace are quickly riddled by the bullets of worry and restlessness in active life.
If you can retain your inner peace, therein lies your supreme victory. No matter how you are situated in life, never feel justified in losing your peace. When that is gone and you cannot think clearly, you have lost the battle. If you never lose your peace, you will find you are always victorious, no matter what the outcome of your problems. That is the way to conquer life.
Make life an enjoyable experience of the soul...
Practice even minded calmness all the time. Become a king, an absolute monarch, of your own mental realm of calmness....Let nothing disturb your peaceable kingdom of calmness. Night and day carry with you the joy of “the peace of God, which passeth all understanding.”
This even mindedness, when maintained by regular deep meditation, removes the boredom, disappointment, and sorrow from everyday life, making it instead a very interesting and enjoyable experience of the soul.
Practice even minded calmness all the time. Become a king, an absolute monarch, of your own mental realm of calmness....Let nothing disturb your peaceable kingdom of calmness. Night and day carry with you the joy of “the peace of God, which passeth all understanding.”
This even mindedness, when maintained by regular deep meditation, removes the boredom, disappointment, and sorrow from everyday life, making it instead a very interesting and enjoyable experience of the soul.
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