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The Holy Thirukkural on Learning

The Holy Thirukkural on Learning
Written by *Thiruvalluvar*, The heavenly poet in Tamil literature, approximately 5000 years ago. All his works are applicable in all walks of our life for the past, present and future. He was neither religious nor spiritual but social.
The Holy Thirukkural is translated into 165 languages next to The Holy Bible and The Noble Qur'an.
1. Learn, what is to be learnt, with no flaws; once learnt, stand by what you learned.
2. Numbers and letters, they are known as; eyes to humans, they are.
3. Math and writing, they are known as; like eyes, they are, helping humans see and learn.
4. Numbers and letters, they are known as; eyes to the living, they are.
5. The erudite have eyes; the ignorant have on their faces, two gashes.
6. Elation when they meet, and nostalgia when they part, are effects of the erudite’s deeds.
7. Delight when they are met, and nostalgia when they have left, are the effects of the erudite’s deeds.
8. Learned are those, who, like the poor before rich, stay humble before others, lovingly, to learn;
those who thus don’t learn are lowly.
9. The learned learn by lovingly humbling themselves before others, like the poor before rich; those who thus don’t learn are lowly.
10. Great are those, who learn by staying humble before others, like the poor before the rich; lowly are those who, out of pride, remain ignorant.
11. Like the poor before rich, those who are ignorant and lowly, remain humble before the learned.
12. Even if, like the poor before the rich, the learned stand humbly before others, they don’t become lowly; lowly are those who are ignorant.
13. The learned, when they were ignorant, would’ve humble themselves like the poor, to learn; those who thus don’t learn are lowly.
14. The deeper a well is dug, the more the water that springs; the more one learns, the more the wisdom it brings.
15. For the learned, every nation is their nation; and every place their place;
why then, does one shun learning till death.
16. For the learned, every nation and every place is theirs; why then, doesn’t one keep learning till death.
17. Learning acquired once will stand in good stead for seven births.
18. Learning acquired once will stand in good stead forever.
19  Learning acquired once will stand in good stead for seven generations.
20. Seeing that what they enjoy, the world enjoys too, the erudite fall more in love with learning.
21. Seeing that because of what they do with joy, the world enjoys their company, the erudite fall more in love with learning.
22. Seeing that the world gets excited by what excites them, the learned fall more in love with learning.
23. Seeing that the world gets excited by them, because of what excites them, the learned fall more in love with learning.
24. Learning is the indestructubile, and significant, wealth;
other riches are not true wealth.
25. Learning is the harmless, and significant, wealth;
other riches are not true wealth.


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