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Devotion Vs Dedication..

Devotion Vs Dedication..

Devotion means (a) Ardent, often selfless affection (b) strong attachment to or affection for someone or something (c) religious zeal; piety
One devotes to a person or a principle hence we say "ardent devotee of Sai Baba" etc. Devotion is not for a cause but a belief of a way of life.
Dedication means the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action; "his long commitment to public service"; "they felt no loyalty to a losing team". Dedication means working for a cuase.
In the corporate set up, we require dedicated employees. A dedicated employee is self-motivated, requires fewer instructions and has compete trust on the authorities. Working long not necessarily means dedication. A dedicated employee would rather puts his/her heart and soul in his/her work. A dedicated employee shows affective commitment towards his/her work. A less dedicated employee may show commitment but that could be either continuance commitment or normative commitment.
Dedicated employees give same performance irrespective of the hygienic conditions that job provides.
Indian soldiers guard our borders at Nasirabad where it is believed that temperature touches whopping 50 degree C! Same soldier will continues to guard our border at Siachen Glacier where temperatures becomes -40 degree C in the winter. It`s not just bad weather but Indian soldier has to put up with bullets that come from across the border too. Can borders of our country be protected without dedication?
Business Leadership fails if the leader is not dedicated for the cause. Most of the businessmen prefer to dedicate themselves for making more money. But these businesses are not sustained.
Devotion is not for a cause but a belief of a way of life. Dedication means the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action; "
I t is very important to be Dedicated. The primary factor behind a successful person is his/her level of dedication, which signifies the commitment of a person towards achieving objectives and life goals. ... Hard work requires a right attitude, self-discipline and the ability to focus on one's life goals and objectives and achieve.
Let us be devoted to our dedication.
May God help us to be and win.
Prayer Of Dedication.
God desires that his children are dedicated into faithfully serving him. He does not expect us to keep casual relationship with him. As we devote our time and services to him, great and mighty works of God will manifest in our lives.
“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth”
Let us say this prayer.
Father, please let me adequately live my life for you. Help me to devote the early stage of my life into your faithful services. Enable me to utilize my time, energy, knowledge, finances, and other resources for your services. Let me wholly commit my life to you and your services, so that your kingdom can be populated. Please let my services be acceptable before you, and let me receive your overwhelming blessings throughout the days of my life. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.


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