Mr. Surinder Singh.
What are weekly plans of a school leader?
•Azeez UNV: A school leader has two main tasks that their day should revolve around.
•The first of these duties is to provide an atmosphere that promotes intense learning opportunities on a daily basis.
• The second is to advance the quality of the daily activities for each person within the school.
All of your tasks should be prioritized based on seeing those two things take place. If those are your priorities, then you will have happy and enthusiastic people in the building that are teaching or learning on a daily basis.
When your solutions take care of the above issues, it will certainly take care of school problems. All the programs such as meeting, conducting and organizing are based on the above.
•Leader. Leena Rai Kalra UNV:
A leader of the school is actually the so called Principal who is the sailor of the ship called school and his/her moves are always under scanner that means every other person linked to the school keeps an eye on him/her and for which this leader needs to be Extra attentive to promote, motivate and support the team spirit for the actual learning and teaching with a goal of making the students vibrant. There should be more of the ideas and day to day watch upon the daily proceedings in school for contributing into the increase in the level of every student with days passing by.
A leader of the school is actually the so called Principal who is the sailor of the ship called school and his/her moves are always under scanner that means every other person linked to the school keeps an eye on him/her and for which this leader needs to be Extra attentive to promote, motivate and support the team spirit for the actual learning and teaching with a goal of making the students vibrant. There should be more of the ideas and day to day watch upon the daily proceedings in school for contributing into the increase in the level of every student with days passing by.
•Mrs. Jemi Sudhakar UNV: The role of a principal is to provide strategic direction in the school system. Principals develop standardized curricula, assess teaching methods, monitor student achievement, encourage parent involvement, revise policies and procedures, administer the budget, hire and evaluate staff and oversee facilities
• Mrs. Jemi Sudhakar UNV: The most effective principal will possess each of the following seven qualities.
A Principal Must Exhibit Leadership. ...
A Principal Must Be Adept at Building Relationships With People. ...
A Principal Must Balance Tough Love With Earned Praise. ...
A Principal Must Be Fair and Consistent. ...
A Principal Must Be Organized and Prepared.
A Principal Must Exhibit Leadership. ...
A Principal Must Be Adept at Building Relationships With People. ...
A Principal Must Balance Tough Love With Earned Praise. ...
A Principal Must Be Fair and Consistent. ...
A Principal Must Be Organized and Prepared.
•Mrs. Jemi Sudhakar UNV: A school principal with vision and expertise creates a blueprint of how the school can achieve its goals. He or she finds teachers and staff to help make that vision a reality.
•Mrs.Madhumita Jana UNV: Just like the lesson plan of a teacher, the leader of the school should maintain a proper planning of the week.
Time slots for all the stakeholders of the organisation. Plan out ways to bringabout positive changes in
the system to break the monotony and develop and sustain the interest amongst the staff academic as well as non academic. The changes are mainly for creating learning atmosphere for all learners.
Time slots for all the stakeholders of the organisation. Plan out ways to bringabout positive changes in
the system to break the monotony and develop and sustain the interest amongst the staff academic as well as non academic. The changes are mainly for creating learning atmosphere for all learners.
•Mr. Nahid Raza UNV: The objective of edu leader is in fact making children vibrant
•Dr Sekar Seenivasan: A teacher entering a class room:
1 no change in the class
2 perfect silence and children listen with fear
3 teacher smiles children return smile readily springs in to class activities.
4 teacher enters greets with a smile, enquires some students some students narrated certain relavant issues, some students eagerly asks about the day,s topic class room totally absorbed when bell rings all students longingly asks why so soon sir or miss can you take the next hour also some body running behind asking for tips to other than textbook activities.
1 no change in the class
2 perfect silence and children listen with fear
3 teacher smiles children return smile readily springs in to class activities.
4 teacher enters greets with a smile, enquires some students some students narrated certain relavant issues, some students eagerly asks about the day,s topic class room totally absorbed when bell rings all students longingly asks why so soon sir or miss can you take the next hour also some body running behind asking for tips to other than textbook activities.
• Dr Sekar Seenivasan: What I narrated is my personal experience in govt school as a student as a teacher in aided school and as principal and correspondent, secretary in CBSE and matriculation school.
•Mr. Arun Kumar Sutaria: Environment is the class rooms depends solely on the conduct of the teacher.
Same class and same students but their response/reaction will depend upon the personality and attitude of the teacher.
Same class and same students but their response/reaction will depend upon the personality and attitude of the teacher.
•Dr Sekar Seenivasan: What a golden statement. I need your permission for using this statement with your name in my presentation start up slides.
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