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People Learn Too Late In Life together with our own notes

People Learn Too Late In Life together with our own notes:
¶Dr. Jacqueline Mahadik, Principal, National UN Volunteer

1. Everything Is Temporary:
When we are younger we tend to act as though we have forever and don’t appreciate all the things we have. It so often only hits people when it is too late that the time is gone.

2. Life Isn’t Fair
This is a universal fact: There will always be people who are having an easier time and people having a harder time than you. Expecting life to be fair will lead to great disappointment. We don’t all get dealt the same cards.

3. Family Matters More Than Friends:
Nobody will be willing to go further for you than your family. Not only do you need them but they need you.

4. Others Treat You The Way You Treat Yourself, Not Them:
This is really a note about setting boundaries. What you are prepared to tolerate will dictate who you associate with and consequently, how you are treated.

5. The Sacrifices You Make Today Will Pay Dividends In The Future:
If you want to achieve long term goals you must be prepared to make sacrifices for them now.

6. Sacrificing Your Health For Success Or Wealth Isn’t Worth It:
Health is worth more than wealth. Unfortunately people often only realize this once health is gone and they realize that they would rather have it back than the money.

7. Fear Of Embarrassment Or Criticism Stopped You From Being Who You Really Are:
So true. We learn this later and end up looking back wishing we had been fearless enough to do follow our path sooner despite the naysayers.

8. Things Don’t Matter That Much:
There are 2 trillion galaxies and more stars in all those galaxies than there are grains of sand on the entire earth. Our significance in this vast scheme is extremely small. In a thousand years time, unless you are extremely famous, everything you ever did will have been forgotten forever.

9. Even The Longest Night Was Followed By A Morning:
A positive statement on the nature of impermanence. Bad times do not last forever. So hold on tight because they will pass!

10. Happiness Is A Choice And Requires A Lot Of Hard Work:
Happiness is not something that ultimately depends on others. It is your responsibility to create your happiness – and this certainly takes work. Make happiness a primary goal and take the steps required to make it happen.

11. This Moment Right Now, This Is You Being Alive. This Is Your Moment:
As John Lennon famously stated “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans”. This is it. Right now.

12. Everyone Is Really Out For Themselves:
We all experience life in “first person point of view” and are the center of our own world. Others feel this way too and that is reasonable.      Understand this and act accordingly.

13. Beneath Anger Is Always Fear:
Understanding this is the key to de-fusing negative situations. Anger is a reaction and pushing back with more anger at the anger escalates the crisis. Understanding the true reason behind anger helps to calm the person down.

14. The World Is Bigger Than The World You Experienced:
“If the whole world was a book, it would be a shame only to read one page.”

15. A Lifetime Isn’t Very Long:
When you are young life seems long. It is not. It will be over quickly. Most people only realize this when it is too late to do anything about it and regret how they wasted time in their early years. Start making the most of it as soon as possible.

Bonus Ideas:

16. Education In School And College Isn’t Important, But Lifelong Learning Is Of Paramount Importance
17. Spending Your Life Regretting What You Did Or Didn’t Do Is A Waste Of The Time You Still Have.
18. There Is Beauty In The Everyday Things When You Live In The Moment.
19. Peace Of Mind Matters More And More As You Grow Older.


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