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Showing posts from December, 2018

Should moral values be taught or preached in schools.

Should moral values be taught or preached in schools. Value/Moral education a graded co-scholastic subject in our school curriculum . Set of stories are assigned to class each month. In addition to this, schools also focus on implementation of these values foretold, each month one value is picked up to be point of focus,  like honesty, compassion, love & care, self-respect so on. “Why is MORAL EDUCATION a part of our curriculum? The answer is very simple.’ “Preparing Our Children For Future Roles In Society” Now, to do this groundwork . To prepare children today to shoulder the  future responsibility, is teaching moral values sufficient or should it be preached ? What is Teaching? Teaching is all about imparting new ideas and knowledge to the students in the classroom. Teaching, traditionally, involves reading the text and explaining the passages from the texts and also use of techniques such as demonstration, discussions, watching documentaries, enacting pieces of l

Understanding Scientific text

Understanding Scientific text Scientific text uses different mental models than narrative text, and we are less skilled at using them. Scientific text that is structured in ways most similar to narrative text will be the easiest to process. Gaps in the text that require us to make inferences determine how easily the text can be understood. First of all, a reminder about situation models. A situation, or mental, model is a retrieval structure you construct from a text, integrating the information in the text with your existing knowledge. Your understanding of a text depends on its coherence; it’s generally agreed that for a text to be coherent it must be possible for a single situation model to be constructed from it (which is not to say a text that is coherent is necessarily coherent for you — that will depend on whether or not you can construct a single mental model from it). There are important differences in the situation models constructed for narrative and expository t

How to charm people

How to charm people Humans often overlook the most obvious things about other humans—and I start with myself in making that judgment.So even though I know a fair amount about people, I can overlook basic things because I am caught up in the interplay that is humanity. When average people run into a highly charismatic,what is it that they recall about the person? Everyone who has an encounter with a decidedly charismatic person recounts the story in very similar fashion, regardless of whether the encounter went well or ended in tragedy. Whether it was, “He made me feel as though I was the only person in the room,”or “He made me feel as though he was divine,”it is always about a feeling and not facts. Followers of Charles Manson, David Koresh, and many other leaders of both cults and genuine religious sects have described their leaders as gods or godlike, just like this man who followed the Maharaji: “I believed he was the living incarnation of God,”said Joe Whalen in his pos


Excuses You cannot fly with the eagles if you continue to scratch with the turkeys.”  ~ Zig Ziglar Before we begin, what excuses are you going to make for not reading this whole blog ? If you decide to read the whole blog, what excuses are you going to make for not using the information that you are going to learn? I know you don’t know what you will be learning, but you have those excuses all lined up, don’t you? Take time to really think about your excuses and write them down. These are the same excuses that you use every time to stop yourself from learning anything new. You can have success or excuses, but you can’t have them both. People that learn quickly only focus on the information and skills that matter – excuses don’t matter, and they are thought viruses. The only things that are keeping you from getting what you want in your life are the excuses you keep telling yourself. Who would you be without your excuses? Think about it Every excuse you accept makes you w

Ways to Teach Your Children a Great Work Ethic

Ways to Teach Your Children a Great Work Ethic The principle that hard work is intrinsically virtuous or worthy of reward…. is WORK ETHIC. Why is it  IMPORTANT TO HAVE  A GOOD WORK ETHIC ?                         Your good work ethic tells, in future what people might expect from you ...Good attendance and punctuality are two important pieces of a good work ethic –and they're easily addressed and accomplished..  IS IT A SKILL? Good work ethic, problem solving, time management, communication skills and team  work ability are all skills that can make you a great student/ employee.   Leadership skills make you a candidate to be more than that. Here are the few ways for the Parents to teach your children a great work ethic:                          Just as it’s not enough to tell your slacker co-worker to work harder, it’s not enough just to tell a child about the importance of a good work ethic. No, the teaching of a good work ethic begins with good boundaries and

Psychological Assessment v/s Psychological Testing

Psychological Assessment v/s Psychological Testing In general, conscious or unconscious, whole counseling process or testing process is termed as psychological assessment but that is not true. Even sometimes psychological assessment and psychological testing is treated in same context. In actual, there is much difference in psychological assessment and psychological testing. Assessment is an integral part of day to day life, while in context of counseling, it is one of the important work of the counsellor. All proceeding, accuracy, result, remedies, depends on assessment. Psychological assessment is a process that involves the integration of information from multiple sources, such as tests related to ability, intelligence, interests or attitudes as well as information from personal interviews. It is an initial process of counseling that leads the foundation of effectiveness of counseling process. It is obvious that if collected information will be exact and proper furthe

Guru THEN and NOW

Guru  ‘Then’ and ‘Now’. GuruBrahma, GururVishnu, GuruDevo Maheshwaraha. GuruSaakshatPara Brahma TasmaiSree Gurave Namaha Meaning:Guru is truly the representative of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance. I salute such a Guru. The above shloka is the morning prayer in many of the Indian schools. Brahma,Vishnu and Maheshwara are the three iconic divine personalities known as the creator of this universe. A ‘Guru’ meaning a teacher is stated as the representative of the creator. This very statement tells us the kind of responsibility a ‘guru’ shoulders in this world.In ancient times, this was not merely a shloka to recite but it was also practiced. Aristotle wrote “Those who educate the children are more to be honoured than their parents because these give them life but those the art of living well”. Nowhere in this world had the implication of this statement been better implemented than in Ancient India. Perhaps Ind

Women education for global sustainable development

Women education Home is the best place where the process of education begins.  It is the foundation of all the learning sources outside the home. Women to be able to perform this task efficiently, they must receive education in religion, arts, science, housekeeping, cooking, sewing and hygiene. Women's education should be exemplary in all the matters. The world's average female literacy rate is 79.7% while in India the average rate is 65.46% women's education in our country plays a very important role in the overall development of the country. It is not only helps in the development  of half of the human resources, but in improving the quality of life at home outside. Although in the vedic period women had access to education in our country. Educating the women will empower them to seek gender equality in the society. Women will be able to earn that would help to raise the Economic condition and their status in the society. They will be aware about the advantage

Importance and tips of caring every individual in the classroom

Importance and tips of caring every individual in the classroom     Great teachers care more about their students. They care about their students hapiness, well being and life beyond the classroom. Investing yourself in your students creats a positive atmosphere in the classroom that enhances your relationship with the students and makes them feel important. Students too feel better about themselves if they feel that a teacher has taken a genuine interest in them. Especially with younger students , a caring teacher is comforting and helps make the transition easier. Each one of us has a vital role in the students future. We may think how to care about every individual in the classroom. Now tell me friends what you remembered most about your favourite teacher?? I'd expect you to describe how she / he made you feel as you learned that subject matter - the sense of excitement or discovery you felt or the safety to take chances and make mistakes or the confidence that you wer

Habits that help to raise good-characterized child

Habits that help to raise good-characterized child Early bedtimes: One of the most basic things that one can do for their kids behavior, health and well-being is to help them get the sleep they need. Sleep is the building block for healthy brain development. It helps us process the day’s events and learn from it. Kids’ brains are constantly developing and creating new neural connections. They absolutely must get good sleep to nurture these connections. Routines : Using something as simple as these printable routine cards can help kids feel grounded and relaxed. In fact, knowing what to expect at mealtimes, mornings and bedtimes can bring a sense of relief to even the most carefree child. Routines allow kids to feel a sense of control. Empathy : Empathy promotes kindness, pro-social behaviors, and moral courage and it is an effective antidote to bullying, aggression, prejudice and racism. Hugs : Hugging triggers the release of oxytocin, also known as the love hormone.


Child psychologist and Behavioral Management. To all parents and even grandparents, as well as teachers, here are some unnbelievably simple parenting ideas that work. 1. Children need a minimum of eight  touches during a day to feel connected to a parent. If they’re going through a particularly challenging time, it’s a minimum of 12 a day. This doesn’t have to be a big deal; it could be the straightening of a collar, a pat on the shoulder or a simple hug. 2. Each day, children need one meaningful eye-to-eye conversation with a parent. It is especially important for babies to have that eye contact, but children of all ages need us to slow down and look them in the eyes. 3. There are nine minutes during the day that have the greatest impact on a child: the first three minutes right after they wake up the three minutes after they come home from school the last three minutes of the day before they go to bed We need to make those moments special and help our children