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Showing posts from October, 2018

Who decides the happiness

Nizam Deen, IUEf Educator for Pooma Educational Trust. 4 Hormones which determine a human's happiness. Dear friends ... As I sat in the park after my morning walk, My wife came and slumped next to me. She had completed her 30-minute jog. We chatted for a while. She said she is not happy in life. I looked up at her sheer disbelief since she seemed to have the best of everything in life. "Why do you think so?" "I don't know. Everyone tells I have everything needed, but I am not happy."Then I questioned myself, am I happy?  "No," was my inner voice reply. Now, that was an eye-opener for me. I began my quest to understand the real cause of my unhappiness, I couldn't find one. I dug deeper, read articles, spoke to life coaches but nothing made sense. At last my doctor friend gave me the answer which put all my questions and doubts to rest. I implemented those and will say I am a lot happier person. She said there are four hormones which

Brain and emotions

Annapoorni Balan Principal IUEF SECRETARY GENERAL for Pooma Educational Trust and The UN volunteers. Before we can even begin to learn or understand the concept of emotional intelligence, we must first explore the two components that make up the word – emotions and intelligence. Over the last three centuries, psychologists have been able to define three distinct parts of the human mind: thoughts, emotions, and motivations. Thoughts, also known as cognition, include regular functions such as memory, judgment, and reasoning. This is where intelligence comes in because it is used to measure your cognitive functions. Emotions, on the other hand, include things like moods, feelings, and evaluations. Motivations refer to behaviors that you learn or biological urges. They are not relevant in the scope of this book so we shall not go into them for now. In order to explore the links between your emotions and your thoughts, it is important to fully understand emotions and how they affect you


Annapoorni Balan Principal IUEF SECRETARY GENERAL for Pooma Educational Trust. WHAT IS MINDFULNESS? Mindfulness is the opposite of mindlessness. It means waking up out of autopilot and ‘taking the steering wheel’ of our attention again. We practice mindfulness by maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and the surrounding environment. Mindfulness also involves non-judgment, meaning that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings with the attitude of an impartial witness — without believing them or taking them personally. Mindfulness is defined as: “Paying attention; On purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.” I like this definition because it allows us to see exactly what the components of mindfulness are. Through this definition Jon shows us that there are three specific ways in which our attention ‘shifts gears’ when we practice mindfulness. Firstly our attention is held… 1. ON PURPOSE Mindfuln

Happy Living

SHIKHA MANOJ SAXENA, Principal, IUEF Cheif SECRETARY for Pooma Educational Trust Do you know HARVARD, one of the most prestigious Universities in the world has a popular course teaching how to be HAPPY. The Positive Psychology class taught by BEN SHAHAR attracts 1400 Students per Semester and 20% of Harvard graduates opt for this elective course. According to Ben Shahar, the Class focuses on Happiness, Self-esteem and Motivation. It provides students the tools to succeed and face life with more joy. This 35-year-old teacher, considered by some to be "the happiness guru", highlights in his class 14 key tips for improving the quality of our personal status and contributing to a positive life. Tip 1. Thank God for everything you have. Write down 10 things you have in your life that give you happiness. Focus on the good things. Tip 2. Practice physical activity. Experts say exercising helps improve mood. 30 minutes of exercise is the best antidote against sadness

எது கெடும்

Mr. Karthi, An IUEf Educator for POOMA EDUCATIONAL TRUST. பாராத பயிரும் கெடும் பாசத்தினால் பிள்ளை கெடும்! கேளாத கடனும் கெடும் கேட்கும்போது உறவு கெடும்! தேடாத செல்வம் கெடும் தெகிட்டினால் விருந்து கெடும்! ஓதாத கல்வி கெடும் ஒழுக்கமில்லா வாழ்வு கெடும்! சேராத உறவும் கெடும் சிற்றின்பன் பெயரும் கெடும்.! நாடாத நட்பும் கெடும் நயமில்லா சொல்லும் கெடும்.! கண்டிக்காத பிள்ளை கெடும்.! கடன்பட்டால் வாழ்வு கெடும்.! பிரிவால் இன்பம் கெடும் பணத்தால் அமைதி கெடும்.! சினமிகுந்தால் அறமும் கெடும்.! சிந்திக்காத செயலும் கெடும்.! சோம்பினால் வளர்ச்சி கெடும்.! சுயமில்லா வேலை கெடும்.! மோகித்தால் முறைமை கெடும்.! முறையற்ற உறவும் கெடும்.! அச்சத்தால் வீரம் கெடும்.! அறியாமையால் முடிவு கெடும்.! உழுவாத நிலமும் கெடும்.! உழைக்காத உடலும்  கெடும்.! இறைக்காத கிணறும் கெடும்.! இயற்கையழிக்கும் நாடும் கெடும் இல்லாலில்லா வம்சம் கெடும் இரக்கமில்லா மனிதம் கெடும் தோகையினால் துறவு கெடும் துணையில்லா வாழ்வு கெடும் ஓய்வில்லா முதுமை கெடும் ஒழுக்கமில்லா பெண்டிர் கெடும் அளவில்லா ஆசை கெடும் அச்சப்படும

Emotional Intelligence -Part IV

Annapoorni Balan Principlal IUEF SECRETARY GENERAL for Pooma Educational Trust. Emotional intelligence and social skills originate from the premise that when you master the art of identifying and managing your own emotions, it is easier to understand and manage the feelings of other people (often referred to as putting yourself in their shoes, or empathy). You begin to understand their emotions by seeing things from their perspective and are therefore in a much better place when it comes to influencing or persuading people. When you understand how people feel and think, it is easier to tap into those emotions and channel them for influencing people or developing fruitful relationships with them. This is how emotional intelligence can be woven into social skills. Nobody can claim that they do not have emotional intelligence. The only difference is that people exhibit varying levels of EI – so

Freedom : Dare yourself to challenge anxiety

Freedom : Dare yourself to challenge anxiety Annapoorni Balan, The Principal, IUEf SECRETARY GENERAL for Pooma Educational Trust It is possible that you or a loved one has anxiety or has feelings of fear, worry, and nervousness regarding everyday life and the future. Being a little nervous about the future is normal, but the people who suffer from anxiety spend a significantly greater amount of time worrying about their decisions. They feel the emotional and physical impact of these fears in their day to day life. Anxiety disorders have become the most common mental illness, In fact, it’s become the most commonly reported health concern across college campuses nationwide.  In our fast-paced world, many young people feel they are simply not able to keep up with all the demands made on them. There can be many warning signs including in your family tree—because researches do believe anxiety to be hereditary. If you have other physical conditions or illnesses, coupled with alcohol

Structure of language

Annapoorni Balan, Principal, IUEf SECRETARY GENERAL for Pooma Educational Trust Understanding the language of other people is essential to understanding the culture of that people. It is hard to understand the beliefs, attitudes, values, and world view of a people without understanding their language and the nuances of how that language is used. Imagine you see people go by a certain rock and seemingly walk out of their way to avoid it. Suppose they believe an evil spirit resides there. How could you possibly know that without being able to ask and understand their answer? All languages have definite patterns in the sounds their speakers use, in how those sounds are combined to form symbols, and how those symbols are organized into meaningful sentences. When people encounter an unfamiliar language for the first time, they are often confused and disoriented, but after becoming familiar with the language, they eventually discover its' rules and how the various parts are interre

Importance of self - determination for students with disabilities

Annapoorni Balan, Principal, IUEf SECRETARY GENERAL for Pooma Educational Trust Self-determination skills are important for everyone. Children who are self-determined are able to: Appreciate their strengths and acknowledge their limitations Set demanding, yet realistic goals for themselves Create plans to achieve their goals Make appropriate choices and decisions Accept responsibility for their choices and decisions Develop problem-solving skills Assert themselves when necessary Advocate for themselves Achieve their goals Self-determined children make positive things happen at school, with friends in their community, and in their families. As they enter adolescence, these young people are better able to cope with the academic and social demands of life in middle and high school. After high school, they are more likely to transition successfully to adult life. Despite the clear beliefs of self-determination, It was found that parents of children with disabiliti


Annapoorni Balan, Principal, IUEf SECRETARY GENERAL for Pooma Educational Trust. Success Brings Happiness or  Happiness Brings Success. We all chase success hoping it will make us happy. Success isn't just what you accomplish in your life; it's about what you inspire others to do.The word “success” evokes a lot of emotion and ideas.  Too often, when the word success is talked about in education regarding students, the people that are most impacted by the discussion are left out of the conversation.  I believe that whether someone is truly successful or not is up to them, not anyone else. If someone deems success as being “rich and famous,” or someone views success as merely being happy, that is their choice. If we can get somebody to raise their levels of optimism or deepen their social connection or raise happiness, turns out every single business and educational outcome we know how to test for improves dramatically. You can increase your success rates for the re

Thought for your food

Courtesy : Siva Ramakrishnan, Hosur in Tamilnadu. தமிழகத்தில் சாப்பிட்டே ஆகவேண்டிய சோத்துக்கடைகளின் தொகுப்பு.... நீங்கள் உணவுப்பிரியரா ? சுவையான உணவிற்கு முக்கியத்துவம் கொடுப்பவரா ? ஊர் ஊராக சுற்றும் போது சுவையான தரமான உணவை சாப்பிட விருப்புவரா? தமிழகத்தில் பல இடங்களில் பலர் சாப்பிட்டதை வைத்து தொகுக்கப்பட்ட ஒரு உணவுக்கடையின் தொகுப்பைக் கொடுத்துள்ளேன்.. இதில் நிறைய கடையை பற்றி நம் சோத்துக்கடையில் எழுதி உள்ளோம். தமிழகத்தில் நீங்கள் சாப்பிட்டே ஆக வேண்டியா கடைகளின் தொகுப்பு... எதவாது விட்டு இருந்தால் பின்னூட்டத்தில் சொல்லவும் சேர்த்திடுவோம்... நியூ சன்ரைஸ், கள்ளக்குறிச்சி பேருந்து நிலையம், விழுப்புரம். Special : பாப்கார்ன் குணா சுக்குகாபி, மானாம்பதி, திருப்போரூர். Special : சுக்குகாபி பசும்பால் பஞ்சாமி அய்யர் கடை, கும்பகோணம். Special : காபி முராரி ஸ்வீட், கும்பகோணம். Special : பூரி, பாஸந்தி, ட்ரை ஜாமூன்களுக்கும் பிரபலமான கடை(மயிலாடுதுறை மற்றும் திருவாரூரிலும் கிளைகள் உண்டு) ஸ்ரீ கிருஷ்ணா ஹோட்டல், வடவள்ளி, கோவை. Special : மட்டன் குழம்பு, தந்தூரி சிக்கன் ஹோட்டல் உஷா ர

Emotional intelligence

Annapoorni Balan, Principal, IUEF SECRETARY GENERAL for Pooma Educational Trust Emotional Intelligence  : We define EI as the ability to: Recognize, understand and manage our own  emotions . Recognize, understand and influence the  emotions  of others. Emotional intelligence can also  be defined as the ability to monitor one's own and other people's  emotions , to discriminate between different  emotions  and label them appropriately, and to use  emotional  information to guide thinking and behavior. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. It is generally said to include three skills: emotional awareness; the ability to harness emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving; and the ability to manage emotions, which includes regulating your own emotions and cheering up or calming down other people. The Four Components of Emotional Intelligence Self-Awareness. Self-Manage

The meaningful Hinduism - YUGAS

By . Mr. Ravi Kumar Angadi for Pooma Educational Trust There are four yugas widely accepted in Hinduism. They are : 1. Satya yug 2. Treta yug (Ramayana) 3. Dwapara yug(Mahabharata) 4. Kal yug(Present) In Satya yug , the fight was between two worlds (Devalok & Asuralok). Asuralok being the evil, was a different WORLD. In Treta yug , the fight was between Rama and Ravana. Both rulers from two different COUNTRIES. In Dwapara yug , the fight was between Pandavas and Kauravas. Both good and evil from the SAME FAMILY. Kindly note how the evil is getting closer. For example, from a DIFFERENT WORLD to a DIFFERENT COUNTRY to the SAME FAMILY. Now, know where is the evil in Kal yug??? It is inside us. Both GOOD AND EVIL LIVE WITHIN. The battle is within us. Who will we give victory to, our inner goodness or the evil within?? Which means  removal of ten bad qualities within us Ahankara (Ego) Amanavta(Cruelity) Anyaaya (Injustice) Kama vasana(Lust) Krodha(Anger) L


Noen Bella , Educator - Heavenly Angels for DALY TEACHERS FOUNDATION The first time I heard about paraprosdokians, I liked them.  Paraprosdokians are figures of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected & is frequently humorous. (Winston Churchill loved them) 1. Where there's a will, I want to be in it.   2. The last thing I want to do is hurt you.... but it's still on my list. 3. Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   4. If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong.   5. We never really grow up.... we only learn how to act in public.   6. War does not determine who is right, only who is left.   7. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.   8. To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research.   9. I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.    10. You do not need a p

Comparing your life with others

Ram Bhabhaniya, IUEf Educator for POOMA EDUCATIONAL TRUST It all starts when you are your lowest, struggling to survive, feeling uninspired and simply watch your life falling apart in front of your eyes. That is when you cannot help but look around at everybody else – who have things you always wanted – their life is as eventful as it can be. You unintentionally start comparing your life with theirs. You look around at people your age, your school friends, current friends, friends of friends, every possible person you know. All you see is their achievements, successes, happiness and joys. You see their dazzling lives on social media, getting engaged, doing their dream job, travelling to the best places, falling in love and wonder what is it that you are doing wrong? What you don’t realize is that you see only the part of their life which they are willing to share. This is when you need to take a good hard look and start to listen carefully. Imagine what people see when they l

Celebrate Life

E E Powell, IUEf Educator for POOMA EDUCATIONAL TRUST What an elevating speech By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar “A plum once said, ‘just because a banana lover came by, I converted myself into a banana. Unfortunately, his taste changed after a few months and so I became an orange. When he said I was bitter I became an apple, but he went in search of grapes. Yielding to the opinions of so many people, I have changed so many times that I no more know who I am. How I wish I had remained a plum and waited for a plum lover.’ Just because a group of people do not accept you as you are, there is no necessity for you to strip yourself of your originality. You need to think good of yourself, for the world takes you at your own estimate. Never stoop down in order to gain recognition. Never let go of your true self to win a relationship. In the long run, you will regret that you traded your greatest glory – your uniqueness, for momentary validation. Even Gandhi was not accepted by many people. T

Art of Parenting

Ram Bhabhaniya, IUEf Educator for POOMA EDUCATIONAL TRUST For all parents who force their children to study. Is life just dangling in future alone??  A extract from writer Sujatha’s biography. A must read. Good one. I recently got an E-mail. It’s from a worried father of two sons. He is a successful central government employee. Starting his career as a fresher and completed his whole career as a senior officer before retiring. He has two sons. Both of them well settled with their family. One is living in America, and the another one living in Australia. He is living along with his wife, in his native city, Trichy. His only problem is severe depression from loneliness. His wife is suffering from arthritis, and he has Asthma and they can’t settle in colder countries with their sons. Their sons rarely visit them. Even for two years, they wouldn't visit once. Even if they do, they would stay hardly for 5days and that too, would hardly spend 5 hours with them. My second son lik